“We used to aggregate our data manually”
Jan Boyen Rienks, Owner of Paracentrum Texel
March 25, 2021
Paracentrum Texel

How was life without CashNotify?
Before using CashNotify, we really weren't aware of our real time sales performance. We used to aggregate our data manually on a weekly basis. Especially for multiple companies this used to be a time consuming chore.
How does CashNotify help you?
Now, with CashNotify, we can spot trends -and more importantly- trend changes as they happen. This allows us to immediately check if there's a snag anywhere in our sales pipeline and fix it straight away instead of days later.
What is your favorite feature?
We love the fact that we now have an overview of the grand total of all our Stripe accounts: something that isn't even available in the Stripe dashboard itself.
More testimonials
“No other solution shows me what I've ACTUALLY earned after fees.”
“The menubar app makes us happy!”